You have just decided to start putting more love into your blog. You have the perfect session that you cannot wait to share. You get your mind ready and fingers prepared, and then it happens. As you stare at your screen, the cursor just blinks.. and… blinks. What should you title this magnificent session that you just poured your heart into? It’s natural to feel overwhelmed and settle for a “good” headline. You want your readers actually to read your blog! More often than not I see photographers, and other creatives only post their beautiful photos and NOT ONE WORD in their post. I just cringe every time. You see, Google bots and spiders crawl your site on a regular basis, and they DO NOT understand photos. They are doing nothing for your SEO. Why not post those beautiful images AND reap the amazing benefits of getting your images seen by the rest of the world? You need to come up with a headline that readers want to click on. Think about it, when you search Google you have so many options when your search results appear, what makes you want to read it is the headline. I must preface that an informative/pain point post title will be different from a wedding you just photographed this weekend. In this post I will give you some tips for both so keep reading, you are ahead of the game by creating great titles from the very beginning of your blogging journey!
You will see me do this a lot in my posts. It’s very enticing to see numbers when reading a post title. They sound quick and to the point with only 5-10 touch points that are easy for people to read your blog for exactly what they are looking for.
First choice: Things brides forget on the wedding day.
Better choice: 5 things brides forget on their wedding day.
Catchy adjective -“Swoon Worthy”
Good Example
3 clever ways to make your getting ready photos stand out.
Adjective examples:
Beautiful, Fun, Incredible, Simple, Stunning, Easy.
Try these 5 simple steps to improving your blog writing.
Keep, Show, Try This, Learn, Become, Create.
Strongest, Best, Most, Easiest, Fastest
Stop, Avoid, Never, Worst, Don’t.
The main things you need in your heading are; venue name and venue location. The name of the couple is optional, but I personally like to include it.
If you use WordPress or Squarespace, this is your H1 ( heading 1 tag).
EXAMPLE 1: Tucson, Arizona wedding at Loews Ventana Canyon Gabby and Ben.
EXAMPLE 2: Lowes Ventana Canyon Romantic Arizona wedding.
The next important step is to add an H2 heading (simply a heading 2).
This is a great way to add your venue name again.
“A recent visit to Tucson, Arizona ended up being a beautiful weekend complete with Monsoon rains and a lovely stay at the Lowes Ventana Canyon Resort.”
Remeber these are guidelines feel free to add your own spin and style to your posts. You are unique let your personality shine with your blog and help your clients see the person behind the business in the best way possible.
Friends, I hope the next time you are staring at the blinking cursor of death you can follow these simple guidelines. In no time you will start seeing the amazing benefits that blogging can do for you and your business! Have a great week!
I've taken the guess work out of figuring out which Blogs you should submit your work to. Simply drop your email here, and I'll send you my favorite 15 blogs you can submit your work for features!
Wedding planning is HARD work! I have so many tips to send your way! Join me for instant access to the CMP newsletter community and get some help planning your wedding day from someone who has been there with sweet brides like you over 70 times! Join in for my free guide "5 ways to keep your sanity while planning a wedding"
Great read! Tons of useful information. Thank you!