When Lin contacted me a few months ago after she saw a blog post and images from her friend that had recently had their images taken, she decided to book a one-year session with us. We were very grateful for the referral and were looking forward to meeting with them in the coming months. Lin and her family decided to be a part of the images after all. We were able to capture some of the entire family, and the resident kitty at Forever and Always Farms decided to make his appearance and give a little bit of love! As you can tell by the images, her pastel pink dress complimented the everblooming roses on the farm. It was a perfect match for the look and style they were going for. I hope you enjoy looking at these images as much as I do!
I've taken the guess work out of figuring out which Blogs you should submit your work to. Simply drop your email here, and I'll send you my favorite 15 blogs you can submit your work for features!
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